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Spiritual Growth Club

Private·1 member


The Spiritual Growth Club is an online meeting based club that meets once a week, and is open to anyone who has completed or is currently participating in the free Spiritual Growth Course. There is a one hour group call every week on:

Sunday at 9am PST

Some meetings will have topics and themes we focus on, some will be more open Q and A sessions. The idea is to get a regular group of people meeting and talking with each other every week. This will not be me lecturing and you sitting there on mute listening every time. If you want to start there, that’s fine, but the goal is to get everyone talking and interacting. I’d like to hear people sharing their progress and sharing their stumbling blocks.

This is the kind of group I wish I had access to when I was in the midst of my initial spiritual growth and awakening. It’s not easy making sense of things. It’s not easy being alone either. There are things you need to do to evolve your mind and perspective, and it’s not easy getting yourself to do these things you’ve already decided are important and need to be done. But all of these things are made easier when you surround yourself with like minded people. The idea behind this group is to act as an accountability partner, and help encourage you to do all those things you know you need to be doing. When you tell the group, “That’s a great idea, I’m going to start doing that this week,” then when you come back next week, the group will be asking you about how it went. We’ll help hold you accountable to the promises that you make to yourself.

We want these calls to be informative, encouraging, and give a good sense of community and connectedness with like-minded people. There aren’t many people on this path that we’ve chosen for ourselves, so it can get lonely. It’s hard to find people who are into spiritual growth and personal development in everyday life. But in the Spiritual Growth Club, everyone will be into growing and developing spiritually. Everyone will be into daily practice and working towards realizing their full potential as a human being. This club is about evolving into the kind of person who is capable of bringing their dreams into reality. This is not a social club to chat about fun ideas and not take action. This club is about figuring out what actions we need to take, to bring about our own idea of heaven, on our own little slice of earth.


I’m going to make your decision about whether or not to join even easier. If you sign up now for the comically low price I’m using to get the ball rolling on this group, I’ll let you keep your grandfathered in $20 a month rate for as long as you like. I’ll take this offer away once I get a dozen or so people in the club. Then the regular rate will be $40 for a little bit.

If this pricing sounds ridiculously low to you, it’s because it is. I’m giving away tremendous value here because I think it’s that important. I think this is more likely to help you turn your life around than just listening to the ideas in my free video course. The idea behind the course is to free your mind, and come up with a plan for turning your life into something amazing. The idea behind the club is to make sure you stick to your plan. Do you think you’ll do better with or without a bunch of like minded people cheering you on and helping you through tough times?


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  • November 6, 2022


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